People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hi-Dee-Ho there neighbor!

Here I am for my regularly unscheduled stop in blog land. My mind is all a twitter, yet vaguely numb at the same time. Does that make any sense? Some of me wants to do and be, but most of me wants to slip quietly away behind my eyelids for a season. I'm tired. Not just "Oh I think I need a power nap" kinda tired. It is like "Stop yanking on my eyelids and fogging my head Mr. Sandman or I'm gonna bust a cap in your...!" Sumthin' like that.

We have had birthdays (I'm 29 now, my dad is 70, and Regan is 5), visitors (Jason's family came for a concert and Regan's birth family came for a lovely visit), a concert (George Strait, Leeann Womack, and Reba McIntire who was my favorite....she can really knock yer knickers off), allergies (My voice has been gone for 3 weeks now. Curse you Perry the Platipus!!!), and things of a certain nature that if I told you I would have to kill you (j/k:) ........but not really).

I keep getting asked if I am on Facebook. Have you not read a couple post down ppl? I hate time suckers and fb is THE worst. It is the little hairy nut sack on the rodent that's in the lions mouth. (Name that movie??) Seriously though, ppl can't go one day without being on it and what happens if they aren't on it for one day.......I don't has never happened. Maybe they miss the tweet about their cousin's friend's boss's mother giving her dog a bath. What a travesty. Really. You are friends with a bajillion ppl only half of whom you really know and only half of those who you really like. Ok, ok I'm done, but really, I'm gonna hold out as long as I can.

Did I mention that my hubs is a freakin' rock star? He seriously rocks my world. Best thing that ever happened to me. I finally took the plunge and started my ETSY store. I have sold 4 things, which considering the fact that I didn't think I would sell anything, is pretty good.

Well, this is suga' tits signin' off. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?!?