Posted by
9:52 PM
What do you think?
OK so I am in the primary presidency and I was out with a fellow presidency member delivering Christmas gifts to the primary children and I hit a curb wrong and sprained my ankle. It hurt so stinkin' bad! Last night I couldn't even walk on it and today I can barely put weight on it. Kind of stinks when you have to take care of children! Trying to be nice and look where it get's me! Bah hum bug!! My ankle is now a kankle! Well, my in laws called me when they found out and came and got me and the girls and we are all at there house and they are helping me today. Really good of them to do that. It really hurts to lift the girls and put extra weight on it. I'm trying to walk on it so it doesn't stiffen up. Does anybody realize that this is the 4th time I have sprained that ankle? I only sprained the other one 3 times. Wonder when that ones next? So here are a few old pictures just to lure you in and keep you interested.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Well time flies by even when you have nothing to post. You will take note that I did put up a slide show of some FA pictures of my cute family. If you want to see the rest of them (and why wouldn't you?), you can visit this site. It is Amber's site for A Blue Iris Photography and she did an awesome job like always. Thanks Amber!
So I guess you are probably wondering what the title to my post means. Well, I have a confession. I haven't put up any Christmas decorations this year. Not even a tiny bulb. They are still all underneath my bed in who knows which boxes. I didn't really have the mental or physical energy to want to put it up while Regan would be running around reeking havok no doubt and wanting to touch everything and move it, lose it, rearrange it and more than likely break it. Then there would be Sophie rolling everywhere putting all of it in her mouth, where everything goes that comes within a 5 foot radius of her. The image in my head of this scene is not a pretty one, so I opted to forgo the probable disaster and keep my messy house just as messy as it is and not add to it. Some of you may call me a scrooge, but those of you who do probably do not have children (Kandra). If we were going to stay here for Christmas I would have at least put up a tree however, we will be going to Heber, AZ and I'm pretty excited. I will say that I do miss the tree and decorations. That was always my favorite thing growing up. I wonder what will happen next year when the probable mess will be even worse? Don't even want to go there right now. Well, that's all I have to say about that. Hope you all have great week. Peace out!
Posted by
9:43 PM
What do you think?