These are great for yourself or as a gift. They are the size of a scrabble tile and do not come with a chain. I am going to hold a drawing for a pendant of your choice. All you have to do is link this post on your blog and leave a comment on this post with which pendant you want. This drawing will end Wednesday October 1st @12 noon.Go to my website to order.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Product In My Store
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10:04 AM
What do you think?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Birthday Boy and My new baby
So Jason turned the big 30 a couple of days ago. What the heck happened to the time?!? How the heck can I be married to a 30 year old?!?....'cause that means I'm not too far behind! In high school I thought people my age now were pretty old but I really don't feel that old. I hope I am still saying that when I'm 40. Anyway, that was a tangent. Jason was "lucky" enough to go camping on the salt flats with his architecture class for his birthday. A required, artsy-fartsy adventure that entailed miles of silent walking and meditation to a 6am roll call to watch the sunrise for inspiration. Boy did he have fun. Did I ever mention that I'm glad I'm a science major? Well, we celebrated at home with some girl time watching a movie with popcorn and chocolate milk.
The girls have been sick this week with colds and Sophie has croup and is teething so it has been such a fun week for me listening to crying for most of that time.(lots of sarcasm intended here)
We did have an addition to the 80lb, 4ft, digital piano with 88 weighted keys, bench, and foot pedals!! I can't put my feelings into words here but sufice it to say that I am TOTALLY STOKED!!!!!!!! All I need now is a piano light and head phones to be able to rock out while the girls are asleep. I miss playing and this will be a great outlet for me. I am also going to start giving piano lessons. I have 2 students already and hopefully a few more to come.
I took the girls to the Utah State Fair with our Aussie friends. We had a good time. I let Regan ride on a pony and she didn't seem overjoyed while on it but afterward she wanted to do it again. The pony she rode on was actually named Kristal (or crystal, christel, christle, krystal, take your pick).
I am still waiting for my camera. Jason has been using it alot for school. My friend Terina was good enough to take some pictures at the fair of the girls and give them to me. Until next time.....cheerio!!
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10:45 PM
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
SLC and other tid bits
I am keeping things on the home front in order and I must say that I am doing better than I thought I would. The girls definately keep me busy but when things get a little crazy inside I take them outside to the playground right in front of our place.........heaven!!! We have been able to go on walks and play outside which was hard to do in St. George because of the heat. The weather here has been so great and I hate to think what will happen when it starts to snow.
We have become good mates with a couple that moved here from Australia. They are great! She is actually from New Zealand and he is an Aussie. I spend alot of time with them and then when I'm home I find myself thinking in an Aussie accent. I'll probably start talking like them too.
I was able to fly down to Phoenix to attend my best friends wedding. Kim is like a sister to me and we were very close in high school. Funny thing is she married a guy that was mission companions with Jason in Chile. How freaky is that?
Anyway, we did get to take the girls to the zoo. They had a great time and Regan wants to go back everyday. Luckily we live very close and so we bought a pass and will be able to take them alot.

I kept making Regan turn to look at me so I could take her picture.
You can't see it, but there is a rhinocerous right by the window.
As many of you know, my sister had her baby a week ago on September 4th. He is so stinkin' cute and we are so excited for them!! They will make great parents.
Gavin Reid Owens
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10:00 PM
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Anderson Family Reunion

There is a little lake there with canoes so Jason took Regan for a ride.
Is that the face of excitment or what?
Sophie wanted to wear one just like her big sister.
Water, yet again. She just took off straight into the lake! And Regan followed this time.
But she didn't get as far as Sophie. Good grief!!
Posted by
9:59 PM
What do you think?