My mother-in-law bought the girls cute matching halloween outfits and trying to get them to sit together for a shot was like trying to tell a fly to sit still.
Sophie is so dang funny. Currently her favorite words are "no way" and "cookie". She is a little cookie monster. About every five minutes she is tugging on my hand and saying cookie. My mom taught her how to say delicious and I get a kick out of it everytime she says it. Peese (please) is another word she is learning pretty well. If she starts screaming for no good reason and I tell her to stop, she automatically says peese, in a soft voice. She loves to sing and dance and when she tilts her head to the side, hand outstretched, and asks for cookie dough "peese" at 10:30 pm, there is no way I can say no.Regan is my little helper. If there is a dirty diaper in any garbage besides the kitchen garbage, you can count on her to get it to the kitchen. She loves to help change Sophie's diapers and she really takes after her dad in that regard....i.e. wiping with a wet wipe once and then getting another wet wipe. If I'm cooking she wants to be right there to help.
She is pretty tender hearted. Sometimes when she's crying for no apparent reason I start my fake cry to go along with her. She looks at me and says, "Don't be sad mama. Why you sad? I want you to be happy." Little tears start welling up in her eyes and she starts crying because I'm (fake) crying. Pretty cute. I sometimes fake cry just to see her little bottom lip pucker out and have her rub my cheek softly.

What is the fascination with make-up?!?!?