Well, time has flown by. We celebrated Sophie's 2nd birthday.

How freakin' cute is she?!?!?!

I made 18 jars of freezer jam.

Then my mom hurt her back so I went to AZ to help her (leaving the girls in SG). I wasn't planning on going back to SLC, but I got a call to have a job interview and drove back up to SLC (all for nothing as it turns out). Then turned back around and drove to SG. Then from there Jason, my dad and I flew to OH to help my sis and fam move to LV. We drove 30 hours through IN, MO, KS, CO, UT. Half way through CO, Jason said to me, "I thought the rocky mountians would be a little rockier than this." I replied, "Yeah, that John Denvers' full of $#!$ man." This is Kandra gettin crazy with the packing tape.

Jared graduated from Law school. It's nice to have a bad a lawyer in the fam.

We got home and it has taken a couple weeks to get back into the swing of things. I made the girls matching nightgowns like the one Regan has on, as well as a couple camera strap covers.

That is it in a nut shell....hope that will do Kandra.