Burn Victim
So yesterday we got home from Payless and I was putting the shoes away. Regan comes in to calmly tell me that Sophie turned the stove on. At that moment I hear Sophie scream so I run in there and Sophie is on the burner and there are flames around her. I quickly moved her by the sink with cold water and then tried to put ot the flames. There were uncooked pasta noodles and her stuffed dog on fire and the burner was on high. All in the space of 2 minutes.....will I ever learn that I CANNOT LEAVE HER ALONE FOR MORE THAN 2 SECONDS?!?!?!?! (Side note: That morning Jason gave her a banana while he went to brush his teeth. When he came back, she was on the counter with a sharp knife, and the banana was chopped into tiny little bits. She is seriously faster than you can even imagine!)
Her poor little hand and fingers were crispy black/brown. I am actually surprised that she didn't get burned in more places. I couldn't find anymore burn marks on her. It is a miracle I tell you. I gave her a frozen jar of jam to hold and was trying not to freak out as I called Jason at school to come home. When Jason got home we took her to the emergency room. The poor little thing was in so much pain. They got the burn team down, gave her some medicine that made her loopy and scrubbed her burned skin off. It was not really a pretty sight. They then wrapped it up with GLOBS of burn cream. She was freakin' hilarious as the loopy medicine made its' way out of her system.....talking s l o w l y, being dizzy, saying crazy things.
Through all this Regan was with Jason out in the waiting room and just walking around. Jason said she was an angel. Funny story I heard after...she was sitting in a chair and kept bouncing up and down. Then she said, "My bum won't stop singing! My bum won't stop singing!" Oh my goodness, that girl is a freakin' comedian. Watch out Conan O'Brian, 'cause someone that's actually funny may come to run you out of town.
Anyway, I have to change her bandages once a day. They want to see her back on Monday. I unwrapped and cleaned her hand this morning, then wrapped it back up and now it looks like a child size boxing glove.

Second degree burns

Super Hero!

Sophie couldn't stand to be left out so I made her a super hero cape (out of her"ducky" blanket, as she calls it) and put an S on her shirt. They kept saying "SUPER HERO!!!" over and over. That's why their mouths in the picture all have "O" shapes.