People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Monday, June 14, 2010

Caught in the Act

3 months ago

2 weeks ago

My family had a family reunion over memorial weekend in Tucson and I woke up early one morning and found Regan sucking on the hotel blanket. Yuck!!! Since then I have caught her sucking on the bottom of her pajama shirt during the night and sucking on another fleece blanket. Seriously, I thought we were over the blanket-sucking thing. Hopefully it doesn't get out of control.

Cute things I want to remember:

Regan was talking to my dad the other day and when it was time to hang up my dad said, "Well, I'll talk to you later honey. Bye." Then he hung up. She looked a little dumb struck for a moment. "I'm not his honey. Grandma's his honey." she kills me sometimes.

She is so stinkin' sweet sometimes. Every prayer we include my dad in it and she has asked some questions about him and worries about him. My parents were up here for a few days and when they were going back to their hotel for the night, we were saying our goodbyes and she said to him, "Goodnight grandpa. I'll believe in your heart." So tender. She frequently tells me that she is going to marry him when she gets bigger.

She is pretty preoccupied with death. The ultimate sentiment she can tell someone is, "I love you so much that I do not want you to die." That's true love isn't it?

Sophie loves Regan so much. If I am disciplining Regan, Sophie will put her hands on her hips and say,"Hey! That's my sister!" I know that's your sister, but she can't do blah blah blah so she needs a time out. "But I love Regan sooo much!" Bleeding hearts of the world unite!!
I was going on an errand and Regan had already been out with Jason earlier so I said that Sophie could come with me. She was all excited until she found out Regan wasn't coming. Then she was BAWLING that we couldn't leave Regan! She stayed home to be with Regan instead of coming on an outing with mom. Best friends/worst enemies all wrapped in one package.

Jason: Who's the bubble king?
Sophie: I'm the bubble king!
Jason: Who's the dancin' queen?
Sophie: I'm the dancin' queen!
Jason: Who's the stinker pants?
Sophie: Regan's' the stinker pants!
Regan: Oooooo that makes me so mad when you say that!!

Sophie insists on praying every time we pray. She does a pretty good job, but the ending keeps me smiling. "In the name of Jesus Christ, A.M." (not p.m :)

Tonight Jason was making shapes and animals out of balloons and the girls were lovin' it. Regan said to Jason, "you're good to have around daddy!"


In May Jason graduated with his bachelors in architecture. He has put in a lot of work the past two years and I'm so proud of him. He got accepted into the new accelerated masters program at the UofU. Acceleration (aka death) means going summer, fall, spring, summer straight through. He will be finished in August of 2011 instead of May 2012. We are pretty excited to be done a year earlier, but the first week into the summer semester made us wonder if we'd made the right choice. Definitely the hardest week so far in this rat race and this semester may take the top of the hardest list. He has been working so hard and I hope he knows how much I love him and appreciate all he does for me and the kids.

My family came up as well as Jason's parents and 2 nieces. I'm kind of an idiot and forgot my camera so I took these pictures from Kandra's blog. I'm still waiting for pictures from my in-laws of the occasion. It was really special for us to have our family here for the graduation. They have been the greatest support to us and we seriously could not have done this without them. Thank you!
Just some fun pics when everyone was up here. Gavin is stinkin' cute and funny. Love him. Sophie is a fish out of water. Regan is kind of scared of the water unless she has a death grip around your neck.

Jason and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary on June 9th. I am still in shock. It really couldn't have been that long ago that we were married in the big sealing room of the St. George temple. I thought I was in love then, but those feelings pale in comparison to the love I feel for him 9 years later. It almost seems silly. I don't think I really knew what love was. He has taught me about service, unselfishness, honesty, saying sorry, and not taking myself too seriously. He balances me out. Heavenly Father really knew that I needed him, that he is perfect for me. Thank you Jason for being my knight in shining armor, and probably the only one who could put up with me (don't answer that), and thank you Heavenly Father for sending him to me.