Wow, has it really been 5+ weeks since my last post? How time flies when your doing the same things over and over and over again.
Regan's first day of school
Regan's first day of school
I think her hair is starting to grow a little. She had a hard time going to preschool the first few days, but is now getting used to the routine and is getting to know the teachers, so she is doing better. Sophie is loving her preschool.
I made the girls crayon costumes for Halloween. I used some felt I had on hand. They weren't happy at first, because Regan wanted blue and Sophie wanted pink. I almost caved, however my cheapness won out. The whole thing cost $0.35 for embroidery floss, which my mom paid for. Sweeeeeet! They like their costumes now. We had a party in our court with all the moms and little kids. My neighbor is a photographer and she took all the kids pictures. These are a couple of the better shots.

I love home made Halloween costumes. I think they are so much cuter, more thought out, and a lot less commercialized. It just takes me back to my childhood when my mom would make our costumes out of things on hand. I loved that you could trust your neighbors. You knew that the popcorn balls from the Williams' house were going to be safe and not laced with drugs. My parents could let us go out alone door to door, instead of this stupid trunk-or-treat crap. Yes I said CRAP!! I hate it!
I hate buying into the commercialism for a holiday that isn't really about anything important except for how much candy you can score. What kind of holiday is that? Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Halloween, I just don't like all these people who like to make loads of money off a holiday because we are too brain-dead to use our own ingenuity. So I don't want to pay $20 a costume so my girls can go to the back of someones car and learn how to beg for candy for one night. I WON'T DO IT! So here's a finger to all those companies wanting my money for some silly holiday. Booya! (I really didn't mean to get on my soap box, but it is what it is. And mom, I'm sorry if you thought the finger part was offensive:)