On Saturday, we went to the beach before heading home. We only spent about 45 minutes there. I wish we could have had a whole day. The girls LOVED it. Regan was in heaven looking for sea shells. And it was all I could do to keep Sophie from running straight into the waves.Whenever Aunt Patty or some of the cousins would go to Cali, Regan would always tell them to watch out for sea shells on the side of the road and if they found a pretty one, they should stop and get it for her. Well, now was her turn to look for shells and she could not be distracted from her mission. You can see she has a little baggy to collect them. The little sweetie then gave them all away to her friends when we got home:)

I was watching some of the people and saw a group of teenagers with a few adults unloading a truck full of fire wood to have a bon fire on the beach. These are the types of memories they will have of growing up. It made me think about the memories we each have depending on where we lived. Mine include elk bugling/spotlighting, bon fires and camping up the canyon, making forts on the mountain behind our house, lighting wampum savers on fire, ect. (I remember a lot of fire in my teenage years thanks to my bro-in-law, Jared. Thanks for the good times Jear Bear:) Anyway, not sure where I'm going with that tanget, but this is definitely something we need to do again!
Whew! I finally managed to get all the reunion and DL trip photos edited and uploaded. Now we can get on with our regularly unregular scheduled programming....