Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I was getting ready for bed and I just kept having these thoughts go through my head and I had to get them out. It's really not that interesting or life altering.....just thoughts.

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12:30 AM
What do you think?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Disney Princess
I can see this about me. I mean she is an intellectual person and not some cheesy, dripping with mush love-sick girl who can't think for herself. Plus she has a killer voice and is crazy sexy so I KNOW that's me (hahaha)! ;)
You Are Belle!

Intelligent and kind. Your beauty goes much further than your apperance. Also, you make judgements of people based on their personality and not their looks. Attaining all the knowledge that you can is one of your major goals in life, but you are also a person who can make things happen.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
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11:10 PM
What do you think?
Monday, June 9, 2008
7 Big Ones!!
Today is our anniversary. If you can't guess from the title is has been 7 big years. I was looking back through old pictures and had some good memories that I thouht I'd share with you. Beware: there are going to be alot of pictures.
(Top): Jason's College Graduation
(Bottom): Watching movies at Jason's house

I love these "Cutting the Cake" pictures. This was at the reception in Heber
We moved to Salt Lake just before our first anniversary to go the University of Utah. I worked at the hospital as a CNA and Jason worked at Sky West. We were able to fly for free to many places. We were able to fly to Chile (where Jason served his mission) on First-Class for VERY cheap.
We saw people he knew which was great but we got roasted in the sun sooooo very badly that we had to return home after 5 days instead of staying 2 weeks. All in all what was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime ended up being the worst trip of our lives.
However, we did have many fun trips like this one to 6 Flags, CA to celebrate Jason's BF's birthday.
And this one to northern Idaho to see Jason's other BFs. We got all dressed up to go get dessert. People couldn't stop staring but it was a great time.
After a year we moved back to SG and went to Nitro racing in LV with my bro.
For our second anniversary we went to Yellowstone camping and then on up to ID to see our friends again.
Graduating with my AS.
Hanging with good friends.
(Left): Casey and Kelly Niederhauser
(Middle): Travis and Amber Sheffield
(Right): Two good-lookin' people
4 Year Anniversary
Bringing Regan Home '06
Christmas '06
Kristal 34 wks pregnant, Jason 29 wks, and Mark 24 wks.
May '07
December '07
Life has been good to us these last 7 years. It seems like it hasn't been that long, yet thinking about all that we have done and all these memories, it seems like a different life time. We have moved 4 times and are about to move again. I finished dental hygiene school, and Jason is about to start architecture school. We have two beautiful daughters. We have made many amazing friends that we will have for life. We truly have been blessed. I know I have. Jason is without a doubt the perfect match for me. I don't know how he puts up with me the way he does. He is the best thing that has happened to me. Love you and Happy Anniversary!
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12:03 PM
What do you think?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Office
So you all know that I LOVE the TV show The Office so I found this character quiz. Hahaha, not what I was expecting, but pretty funny if you ask me!
Posted by
12:03 AM
What do you think?