People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Thursday, May 19, 2011


That's right...13 1/2 weeks. I've been sick and tired, but I had an ultrasound today and baby Joy is still alive and growing!! That is the most important part. I was just in shock when I heard the heart beat at 10 weeks. The dr. said, "Don't you believe me?" I told him no and could I please have an ultrasound. "No need to. I'm 100% sure that is a healthy heart beat.
He said I could have genetic counseling and it offered an ultrasound so I jumped at it. Glad I did, the little tyke was worth looking at.
I also found out that I am a week farther than we thought from the first ultrasound. Also very encouraging.

Regan was concerned the entire time that the tech was hurting me and the baby. She kept asking me if I was still doing ok. So stinkin' sweet.

I told the girls when we saw the baby holding up "his" hand that "he" (I keep getting a boy vibe so I always think of the baby in masculine terms) was waving at them. They loved that and giggled.

As I've mentioned, I've been pretty sick. I'm down 20 pounds and have already been to the ER to get fluids. Yesterday my dr. came up with a plan. I will go to the infusion center everyday for a week and get i.v. fluids. If I'm doing better, I'll keep going. If not then I'll probably get a feeding tube?!?!! (Guess he doesn't think string cheese and a few crackers a day are cutting it.) How humiliating. Hope it doesn't come to that. I wouldn't want to be seen in public. "Hey look at me, I can't hack pregnancy! I'm a pregnancy loser!" Yeah, sumthin' like that.

I've lost a lot of weight and was concerned I had twins because my stomach didn't really get much smaller......ok lets not pretend....I look like I'm 5 months pregnant. I have PCOS and was found to have a cyst on my ovary last pregnancy. No concern about it really. This ultrasound showed that it has grown to the size of an orange. A little bigger than the baby. So yeah, I kinda am carrying twins.

I'm optimistic now. We're past the point at which my previous babies have died, and I'm hopeful that things will continue progressing normally. Jason and our home teacher gave me a blessing a couple weeks ago which really lifted a weight off me. Prayers are not discouraged:) Please send some our way. Ciao!

P.S. No I didn't make those cookies. I haven't baked, cooked, cleaned, sewed, crafted, or done anything for that matter for 2 months.

P.S.S The post last month where I was kinda out of my mind and sounded a little crazy........well I was super sick and feeling really sassy about it. It was my way of retaliating against it I guess;)

P.S.S.S. The post below is pretty cute with more Regan and Sophieisms:)


AmberS said...

How fantastically amazing and wonderful. I'm so happy. That means. Me, you, Kelly and Tera (am I forgetting anyone?) are ALL prego at the same time. What great news.

Aunt Tiff said...

SOOOOO SUPER excited for you guys!!! I didn't realize we had so much in common! I have PCOS too, and have a hard time getting pregnant and keeping the baby. Anyway...when I was pregnant with my boys I found that getting an IV at least every other day helped a TON!! Hopefully that will be the answer for you! My mother-in-law use to tell me it was all in my head, but after seeing me throw up over 30 times in one day, she changed her mind:) Wish I lived closer so I could come help you out!

JaredandKatie said...

That is so wonderful!! I am so happy for you, I know it's no fun being sick. Been there, done that. No bueno. I can't wait to hear more about your little bean, when you find out if your "feeling" is right! Love you bunches!!

DKAZ said...

Congrats! So excited for you.

Karleen said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you all, and so sorry that you get so sick. I had no idea it got that bad. Sending boy vibes your way. Girls are so precious though you can't go wrong either way.

Dawna Greer said...

So excited for you--what cute pictures of baby Joy. Can't wait to find out what you're having--how soon will you have another ultrasound?

Those cookies really had me going--I thought you must be miracle worker to be so sick and getting IV's and still baking and decorating perfect hearts and cookies!

Living Lavallee said...

Yay!!! You're no pregnancy loser - no one who is pregnant chooses the maladies along with it. Sending prayers your way for a healthy baby in about six months!

Regi said...


KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Yeah your no wimp. I don't envy your pregnancies:S
I can't wait to see what you are having!! He/she will be due around my birthday so if you have a chance to have an induction...please shoot for my birthday! Then you would get out of making me something awesome for it:) hahaha.
Oh and NO I didn't take your potty training advice!

Ashlee & Christian said...

So super exciting, congrats! You totally deserve this after all you have been through with having kids. Pregnancy seriously is no fun but the end product makes you forget it all ever happened. Take care, let me know if you ever need anything, hope you can get some more food down and not have to do a feeding tube. Easier said than done though.

Heather M said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy baby Joy is doing well! He looks adorable in the ultrasound. I hope you start being able to keep stuff down. No fun being sick. I hope you feel better soon...maybe in another month? Great to hear your news! Keep me in touch!