People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How to get started Digital Scrapbooking

Many have asked me how to digital scrapbook and there could be volumes written on this. However I will help those of you to get started and then your creativity can lead you where you want to go next. I hope this makes sense and doesn't sound like some incoherent rambling.
If it seems too overwhelming or you have too many pictures and need some help then visit this site.....

First, you need a computer. (Duh)

Second, you need an image editing software (i.e. Corel Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop Elements (which I have) or Photoshop (the full version).
If you are not familiar with these programs they can be frustrating at first, but there are many free online tutorials which can be found with the help of my good friend, "Google". I bought a book that really, really helped me called "Digital Designs for Scrapbooking" by Renee Pearson. I got it at Micheal's Craft but you can find it online at too. I am also part of this forum where you can ask any question that you might have about digiscrapping and they will help you figure it out (or you can ask me and I'll help you out).

Third, you need digital papers and elements.
This is very easy. There are online stores you can buy them, or cd's at Micheal's Craft or, everybodies favorite...FREEBIES!!!!! Freebies are just what it sounds like. People on the web create cool (and sometimes not so cool) stuff for people to download to their computer for free. It usually comes in a zip drive that once it is downloaded, you unzip and open up into your image editing software. These papers and elements are awesome because you can change the color and size of them unlike paper scrapbooking. I have a load of freakin' awesome websites listed to the right where you can get alot of awesome stuff.

Fourth, you need a way to print your layouts. I send mine to Costco, however I know there is not a Costco in some parts of the world, but you can use
a home printer or use an online printing store, like Costco.

I know this is quite basic information, but for those serious in delving into the exciting, technologically advanced, and wonderfully addicting world of digital scrapbooking let me know of any other questions that you might have. I am happy to share my knowledge!!!

However if this all seems very overwhelming then let me do it for you. Please visit my website.....


KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Sounds like too much work......hahaha. How about you do it for me and I will pay you?

Brandon & Keia Blake said...

So I'm retarded and couldn't figure out how to post a comment so hopefully this works!!! The answer to your question is no I'm not going to school this semester... I decided that I was way to stressed out last semester and that I needed a break! So I dropped all of my classes and am loving it!!! I still feel supper busy though!

Jason & Kelli West said...

I love what you have done toyour site!! So festive with the Valentine colors!! That is such a cute LO of your daughter!! see you inthe forums!!
Kelli West

Anonymous said...

Great post - thought I would mention my video tutorials site - - I have lots of information on digital scrapbooking there.