People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Monday, February 18, 2008

Potty Training Diaries cont...

Well here I am. I have survived the last few days if any of you were wondering. I have just been pretty strict with her not wearing a diaper and making sure I reward her for going pee pee in the potty. It hasn't exactly been smooth sailing (she did pee on my leg while we were right next to the potty chair), but we are making progress. Today she only had one accident and that was because she fell asleep in the car and peed while she was asleep. Not too bad though. I remind her to pee in the potty about every ten minutes and if she needs to go she says, "Poo poo potty?" And sometimes she just comes out and says it so then we rush to the potty chair.

Potty training is a hard, frustrating, icky, stinky process, but no one ever told me that I would feel more pride in her the first time she peed in the potty than if she won the Nobel Prize. Or that I would be bursting my buttons the third or fourth time and then when she has gone the whole day without an accident. (My parents must still be proud of me for going pee pee in the potty!) As silly as it sounds, this horrible process has some sweet rewards that only come from enduring it and seeing it through. At the beginning of this I thought I wanted to kill myself, but there may be a silver lining after all.


Catherine said...

Emily just checked out your blog with me and said with MUCH excitement, "Regan go poo poo!" We are ALL proud of Regan. This picture of her is so beautiful! It is a frustrating process, but I'm happy to hear that she's doing so well! Yeah for you, Kris! And you don't look like a fatty on my blog, you look like a freakin' hotty! Even ask Kandra or your mom or Jason, they'll agree with me!

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful picture of Regan! She is so pretty! I'm not potty training yet, but I can feel your pride and frustration through your stories!

I'm so excited for Kandra...that is awesome! She'll finally get her share of bein' pooped and peed on! LOL...I hope her pregnancy is easy and as joyful as mine was. I'm sure I'm in for it with the next one! LOL

Devin and Melinda said...

Well, you're a lot further along than I am in the potty training ordeal! At least she's showing some interest...good luck! Kardon is 21 1/2 months old. I am hoping to train my boys at the same time, but we'll see what actually happens. Everybody tells me that 3 1/2 is the magic age for boys so I am really hoping they are right!

Devin and Melinda said...

Oh...and I did do my blog design myself (Devin bought photoshop for me for Valentines Day). I am interested in digital scrapbooking, but I haven't ever done it so I'm kind of learning as I go. I've enjoyed it so far...photoshop makes things so much easier!

Skousen Seven said...

We are so proud of you, Regan!! The picture is so cute, I want one. She sure isn't a baby anymore. Keep up the good work Kristal. No more diapers for Regan!!!!!!

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Too funny. I wish I had your camera because the picture of Regan is so great! She is so cute. I got the picture you sent to my phone and it is pretty funny!

Dawna Greer said...

Way to hang in there to the end! Hooray for Regi-roo! Consistency and perseverance is the key. . .as well as the reward! You deserve the Nobel Pee's Prize! Love Mom

Kelly said...

Way to go! You will be a great resource for me when it's time to train Eva. And that picture, by the way, is gorgeous. You take it yourself, no?

Kristal said...

I sure did take it myself! Hooray for me to make something cool! I found a tutorial on how to make my pictures a little more exciting and so I played around a bit and this is what I came up with for this picture.

Dawna Greer said...

But of course the real credit goes to Regi-roo for being such a gorgeous cutie! Love Grandma G

frank.greer said...

sounds like a lot of crap to me.


Hey, you have left a few comments on my blog, but not website to yours. I was blog hopping and finally found it. I can't believe how big your kids are. I feel like we haven't seen anyone forever. Hope everything is going good. I have one month left. YEAH! Lets all get together soon. Brittany