People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Saturday, May 1, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things

The primary wanted me to fill out a form on Regan's favorite things so I did one for her and one for Sophie.

Regan's Faves
Animal: elephant
Food: pepperoni pizza
Dessert/Candy: vitamins (what the?), and rice krispy treats
Movie: Blue's Clues
TV show: Go, Diego, Go
Color: blue
Book: Glooglie Eyed Pet Pals
Toy: bunny and "cheeto" (leopard beenie baby)
Primary song: I am like a star shining brightly
Thing to do: pick things (flowers, leaves)
Thing to do with mom: eat dinner
Thing to do with dad: hug him
What does mom say?: You gotta clean up
Is there something special that you do or like that you want us to know about you?
I want to look like a bunny rabbit. :)

(This pic shows their personalities to a T)
Sophie's Faves
Animal: tiger
Food: fish (um...we never eat fish)
Dessert/Candy: ice cream
Movie: Mary Poppins
Color: Pink
Song: Twinkle little star
Toy: clake (?!?!?) and bubbles
TV show: D-D-D-Dora
Thing to do: play outside
The answers after that, (like her favorite thing to do with me (see horses???)) got pretty vague and mumbled. Too much too soon ;)

(One of my favorite things...those puckery lips!!!)


Living Lavallee said...

Ha ha! For years (until the past couple of months) when anyone would ask Kyler how old he was he'd say "six and a half", or "five", or anything but his age. He's still only 4 1/2. I love their answers, and such cute pictures!

frank.greer said...

What two beautiful grand daughters we have. They are cute and so funny to be around. We LOVE both of you very much. I like it when they sing a song to me over the phone. Now be good. Love Grandpa greer.

Dawna Greer said...

Can hardly wait to see them in SLC next week! I have a little surprise for each of them that fits each of their cute little personalities, I think.
Love Grandma

The Waites said...

Hahahahaha!!!! That is adorable!!!! Your girls are full of personality just like their momma! ;D I soooo miss you guys! We seriously need to get together one of these days! :D

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Love your girls! They have so much sponk! Can't wait to see you guys in a few days.

Heather M said...

So fun! I especially love that their favorites are a little out of the blue. Your girls are so darling! BTW It was great seeing you last week! I really miss talking with you and watching our kids run around...we'll have to stop by when we're there for graduation. Are you around this weekend at all?


Your girls are so big...I still get so blown away by how big everyones kids are. That's cute with the favorite things, I should do that with my girls. I'm glad we can keep in touch this way. Hope all is well.

Kelly said...

Love it all! Especially Regan wanting to look like a rabbit. What cute girls!

Skousen Seven said...

I love these girls!!!!! They are the cutest girls EVER! 'Course I'm a bit biased:) Love Sophie's lips:)
Tell Jason how proud of him we are, sorry we couldn't make it up there:( See you in a few weeks!!!!