People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Sunday, October 23, 2011

27 wks

32 wks
I took the girls down to AZ a few weeks ago to spend some time with my parents. My moms yard was gorgeous as usual.....even after Regan and her decimating crew went through and ripped off all the flowers on my mom's plants. Sorry about that mom. Kandra was there with her two boys. Brett is so stinkin' cute and gave me lots more kisses than he even gave Kandra. Gavin is a little ball of energy and is starting to show some attitude.

Since Kandra didn't share this story about sweet Gavin, I feel the need to share. It is pretty dang funny actually. It was almost dinner time and we had set the table. Sophie took a seat at the table and Gavin wasn't happy about the seat she chose. So he took a fork and poked her in the face. Well he got in trouble and went to time out. Kandra made him come out and apologize to Sophie and if you've heard him talk you know he talks about a mile a minute and it can be a little hard to understand.
"I-I-I- sowwy Sophie, (insert mumbling you can't understand), I-I sowwy, (more mumbling), but you jus-pissa-me-off, (more mumbling)."
I look at Kandra, "Did he just say what I think he said?" Her eyes are wide. My mom's eyes are wide. Big confirmation, YES he did! "Hhhhmmmm, I wonder where he learned that Kandra!"
We laughed about that for days. Still makes me laugh.

On Sunday, I was getting ready to leave and it started violently hailing and raining. It was sooo crazy!! The side walks had 2 inches of rain with hail floating on top of it. Looks like a snow storm hit. I couldn't leave for about a half hour because it was so violent out there.
It was a long drive and hard to do with a big belly that doesn't like to sit up for long. But the Lord really blessed me to be able to make it safely, with little fatigue and nausea, and fairly good girls. I couldn't make that trip now. I went to St. George the very next weekend to get our mini van and it was a hard trip. Lots of contractions and I was miserably uncomfortable. Jason is going down with the girls next weekend and I will not be going. I'm done traveling for this pregnancy.


Kit said...

Haha! That story just made my night! Kids are the best!!
And you look great btw. I bet you can't wait to have this pregnancy over with. I am so sorry it has been so hard.

The Colvins said...

I've been thinking about you lately. I can't believe you about to have your baby! Your girls are so funny. That cracks me up that they hate all things pink and perdy! It sounds like they are starting to come around though...:) Hope you can enjoy these last few weeks of your pregnancy...ha ha, if that's possible :)

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Hey he didnt learn that from me!!.......*cough
I can not WAIT to meet my new neice! I heard her middle name was going to be after her FAVORITE. aunt kandra...right...? Cute prego pics:) Ant cute shirt...where did you get it? :)