Regan is the funniest kid. At Easter we went four wheeling with Jason's extended family. Jason's uncle Bruce caught a lizard and told Regan to come see it. Well she picked it up, and almost squeezed it to death. Then if that wasn't enough, people around her were telling her to kiss it. Of course Grandma Joy was freaking out, but she kissed it!! It kind of got loose from her and started scrambling up her arm, but she grabbed it and managed to rip it's tail off in the process. She then tried to put the tail back on the lizard saying, "...put it on...". Where did we get this lizard kissin' girl that doesn't like to play with dolls, yet likes to have me put makeup on her?
Then she love to sing and does really well at singing tons of different songs. So now she is getting so good that she will put in her own words to some of them. Here's an example: "Old Macdonald had a teletubbie....or Sophie....or something else totally off the mark, yet she knows what she is saying. I think she does it just to be funny. She will come up to me and say, "Mama, you a good boy."
"No, I'm a good girl"
"No, you a good boy!" ...with a pat and a smile. She's a little jokster.

So potty training is going really well. She has an accident every now and then, but for the most part is great. So the other morning she says to me, "Go poo poo in the potty?", which is what she says whether she has to go #1 or #2, and always ending in a sort of questioning tone. So I rush her in there and she pees then here is the exchange that followed...
R: Got a belly ache? (eyes kind of squinting)
K: You do? Well get it out.
A little pushing follows.
R: Mama, it's stuck.
K: Well push really hard.
More strenuous pushing followed by a smile.
R: It's a baby one!
K: It's not a big one?
R: No, it not a big one. It's a baby one.
Then she leaps off the potty chair, squats down to look at it and says...
R: Look! It's a baby one! It's so cute!!
That's my girl. Way to find a bright spot in a stinky situation.